With you from the beginning

Hey, I’m Lauren!

UK Registered Midwife, Hypnobirthing practitioner, and all-round positive birth advocate.

I’m on a mission to help women gain the knowledge and techniques they need to ensure their birth experience is a positive and empowered one!


Book your free consultation call

20 minutes of getting to know each other, and me answering any questions you have about any of our services and how i can support you - no obligation!

meet the midwife

I’m a modernised birth coach and antenatal educator, an expert in positive reframing, and my passion is empowering millenial mamas to achieve the positive and informed birth experience they deserve.

Mama to my two beautiful children, married to my wonderful veteran husband, and an NHS Midwife with a passion for creating change - I bring my extensive knowledge and experience to the forefront of all of my services.